Science has discovered that, at the foundational level, everything in the universe is energy. As humans, we are filled with energy that is constantly vibrating and responding to our inner world (our thoughts and feelings) and our outer world (friends, family, jobs, community). When our energy field becomes imbalanced, we may experience dis-ease or illness in the mind, the body, or at the soul level. Imbalances may manifest as stress, anxiety, anger, hostility, restlessness, substance abuse, high blood-pressure, or poor blood circulation, for example.

Deep, natural healing is possible when we allow our minds and bodies to receive sonic energy that works to restore health and peace of mind at a cellular level. A sound healing session is your opportunity to relax, re-set and “clean up” your energy field. Activities include a guided meditation; sound healing with singing bowls, rattle and drums; and mantra/affirmation practice. This is a great way to naturally restore balance in our life.

Please visit our appointments page for a full listing of our available classes and to reserve your seat.

In this video, John will guide you through a 20-minute guided meditation to cultivate calmness within.

Client testimonials

“My experience with meditation was limited prior to joining one of John’s guided meditation workshops but I was at a crossroads in my life and needed a new approach to do some soul searching and healing. I was slightly skeptical about the workshop but John’s calming voice and presence put me at ease immediately. We did a guided drum session and based on John’s instructions and visualization cues, I was able to dig deep to face pain and fear I’d been holding onto for years. It was a deeply emotional and therapeutic experience. This is just the beginning for me and I feel like John has opened my mind and soul up to a spiritual side of myself that I could not have found on my own. I highly recommend John’s workshops.” - Heidi Y.

“John's meditation group was a welcoming, safe, peaceful and healing space. I learned a lot about various topics and about myself through his gentle guidance through meditation. I highly recommend working with John to reach greater peace and self-love.” - Sarah L.